Saturday, August 4, 2012

Secondhand postcards: Czech Republic

Prague, stamped July 6, 1994 (I was there two weeks later! Funny coincidence!) showing the Vltava river and Prague castle, residence of the Czech President. As I’ve mentioned, I’ve been there too, countless times, but unfortunately not since Christmas 2004. The stamp is about the Youth World championship in weightlifting, whose 1993 edition took place in Cheb.

Brno: stamped July 27, 1988, during the last 18 months of the Communist era. If I remember right, I’ve never been to Brno proper (seen from Prague, it’s on the other end of the country) but to several nearby towns and sights. I wonder how the hotel Voronezh is named today, if it still exists (Voronezh is a Russian city) and what became of the Red Army monument?

For comparison: Today’s postage is 20 CZK.

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